Rhetorical Argumentation: The Copenhagen School
Aristotle taught us that rhetoric is centered around deliberation, and he emphasized that we may only deliberate about things that we can in fact undertake (Rhetoric, 1357a, and elsewhere, mainly in the ethical works). Rhetorical argumentation is, in its essence, the bedrock of such deliberation: It provides the reasons for and against various choices, which we exchange when, in some human collective, we are to decide on a course of action. To be sure, not all rhetoric is argumentation. But all deliberative discourse uses rhetoric, and in such discourse rhetorical argumentation is central (and should be, we might add). Hence, we have found it in place to present a collection of work that revolves around the conception of rhetorical argumentation just outlined and asserts the centrality of that notion in any theory of argumentation.
Debate for Better or Worse: Hostility in Public Debate
The Difference between the Rhetorical and the Philosophical Concepts of Argumentation
For Deliberative Disagreement: Its Venues, Varieties and Values
In Search of the Productive Place(s) of Rhetoric: Outlining a Rhetorical-topical Argument Model for Argument Invention
The Danish Debate About Prostitution: Some Characteristics
The Roar in the Comment Section: How Journalists Mediate Public Opinion on the Danish Online Newspaper politiken.dk
Affecting Argumentative Action: The Temporality of Decisive Emotion
Persuasive Figures: Harnessing Stasis Theory for Rhetorical Criticism
The Second Persona in Political Commentary
Arguing Against Argumentation in Science: Paul Feyerabend's Polemical Scholarship in "Against Method" and its Lasting Queer
Sniff the Air and Settle In: Bullshit, Rhetorical Listening, and the Copenhagen School's Approach to Despicable Nonsense
Paper Tigers in the Clinic? Rhetorical Argument Fields in Health Policy Implementation
Muzzling Science? Cultivating Scientists' Rhetorical Awareness in the Public Communication of Expertise for an Era of Pandemic Fatigue


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