The Douglas Walton Reader
This book is a product of the Walton Reader project, which introduces students to Walton’s ideas. The Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR) and the PhD in Argumentation Studies from University of Windsor thought of carrying out a project that would introduce students to the work of Walton published in the Informal Logic journal. This book provides an overview of Walton's scholarship in informal logic. It includes papers on fallacies, argument evaluation, dialogues, and argumentation schemes. This Reader adds to the special issue of Informal Logic Vol, 42, No. 1 (2022) in the University of Windsor’s effort to remember and acknowledge the impact of Walton’s work in argumentation studies.
1978 Vol 1: Puzzle for Analysis: Find the Fallacy
1979 Vol 2: Ignoratio Elenchi: The Red Herring Fallacy
1996 Vol 18: The Argument of the Beard
2009 Vol 29: Jumping to a Conclusion: Fallacies and Standards of Proof
1999 Vol 19: Dialectical Relevance in Persuasion Dialogue
1992 Vol 14: Rules for Plausible Reasoning
1981 Vol 4: What is Logic About?
2014 Vol 34: A Dialectical Analysis of the Ad Baculum Fallacy
2008 Vol 28: Defeasibility in Judicial Opinion: Logical or Procedural?
2001 Vol 21: Abductive, presumptive and plausible arguments
2007 Vol 27: Advances in the Theory of Argumentation Schemes and Critical Questions
2010 Vol 30: Why Fallacies Appear to be Better Arguments Than They Are
2009 Vol 29: Dialectical Shifts Underlying Arguments from Consequences
2015 Vol 35: Formalizing Informal Logic
Fallacy overlap and the pragmatics of fallacies
Informal Logic: Contrasting the Waltonian and Windsor Approaches
Walton's contribution to evaluating the ad baculum argument


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